Client Reco

Gabriel Lucky & Mikey Sidon

A year has gone by since my miniature Schnauzer, Lucky, was attacked by a Weimaraner dog. Dr. David saved Lucky's life as he immediately performed an emergency surgery on him, and in the 5 days and nights following it, he stayed by his side. Lucky received continuous and intensive care, along with Dr. Tom's devotion and thoroughness and with Sivan the assistant making sure Luck's hospitalization is as comfortable and as cozy as possible. The whole treatment was given with deep and personal involvement, above and beyond the professional requirements. Additional help was given by Dr.David, who stood by my side and accompanied me to the court as a witness to this unfortunate, traumatic event.

Lucky slowly recovered, and today he is happy and bright as ever.

I am grateful and pleased for this opportunity I had to bring Lucky's story to other people's knowledge.

Gabriel Lucky & Mikey Sidon.