Client Reco

Yvette Trubowitch

My first contact with Dr. David goes back 15 years when I arrived in Israel from New York with my wheaten terrier Bailey. After frustrating visits to other vets who were not familiar with the breed and its specific requirements, I was relieved to finally find a vet who enthusiastically said :”Oh you have a wheaten! My sister in Canada has one too!” when I entered the clinic. Needless to say that from that day on, until now, 15 years later, Dr. David has been our vet.

My Bailey lived to be 13, at which point he became very sick. Dr. David was there, day and night, and finally helped us letting him go...

A year later we got a new puppy - Chevalier (Chevy)-  a giant brown poodle this time. Again Dr. David was there from the very beginning. He helped, advised and assisted us in all matters. 3 years later Chevalier got a companion: Pesek Zman (Pesky)- not just another giant brown poodle, but a show dog…!

Throughout all these years, we shared joy and grief and Dr. David has become a family member to us. His loving care and concern are genuine. Both Chevy and Pesky are excited to go to the clinic for their periodic check-ups! A good sign!

I can wholeheartedly recommend Dr. David Cohen and his clinic. My dogs and their health and well being are very important to me. I have complete trust and confidence in Dr. David’s knowledge and vast experience and I therefore I know that they are in the best hands possible…

Yvette Trubowitch